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Cheap Bulk sms

Our cheap bulk sms solution will help you boost your business and stay in touch with your customers. You can send SMS to over 190 countries worldwide including Cameroon by using our easy Web Based System, SMPP Desktop client Application, and HTTP API.

Want to try our services before taking a decision? NO PROBLEMS
Call us +237 678 465 378 or EMAIL US here: and we will gladly create a trial account with 50 SMS credit for you to try.

Zeal-Tech Consulting

Situated in Lendi
Douala - Cameroon.
Phone: (+237) 678 465 378

E-mail us by filling out the form below:

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Stay in touch and follow-up with your customers, employees, and/or family members with our partner's eight cutting-edge video communication products. Also, you can make money with these products from the comfort of your own home. Click Here or contact us and we will show you how.

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